New Comparative Effectiveness Study Supports Surgical Treatment for Spinal Stenosis

Distributed by PRNewswire BOSTON, Feb. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — In a large, national study, researchers reported unexpected findings that support the benefit of spine surgery for spinal stenosis over conventional medical treatment. The study, published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery was a collaboration between Health Data Analytics Institute (HDAI) and Raymond Hwang MD, MEng, MBA and Scott G. Tromanhauser, […]
How HDAI’s data analytics support is helping a large urban Accountable Care Organization

Houston Methodist Coordinated Care (HMCC) is a Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO, led by doctors affiliated with Houston Methodist and the community, with 50,800 attributed beneficiaries and more than 300 primary care physicians, serving the Houston metro area and taking both upside and downside financial risk in this value-based care program. The Health Data Analytics […]
New study demonstrates excellent prospective performance of HDAI’s Risk Stratification Models across multiple data sources

Distributed by PRNewswire BOSTON, Jan. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — New research conducted by Health Data Analytics Institute (HDAI), in collaboration with researchers at the Cleveland Clinic, has been published in Anesthesiology, the American Society of Anesthesiologists journal. The results1 show that HDAI’s models, using administrative claims history, accurately predict the likelihood of an adverse event for adult patients at hospital admission. […]
Predictions for Health Tech Innovators: 2023

By Josh Gray What lies ahead for innovative health technologies companies in 2023? Heading into 2022, we predicted a tough year for startups. If anything, we understated the situation: the funding environment is dramatically tougher, with little prospect of relief in the near future. We also anticipated that “early advocates using AI in controlled settings […]
Recent Conference Take-Aways

By Paul Cummings David Clain moderating the Cost and Quality Analytics Panel at FLAACOs Keynote speaker Dr. Anthony Fauci at the 2022 APG Colloquium HDAI recently participated in both the Florida Association of Accountable Care Organizations (FLAACOs) conference in Orlando, FL and the APG (America’s Physician Groups) Colloquium 2022 – America’s Physician Groups in Washington DC. […]
Advanced Risk Assessment Methods Described in New Study

Distributed by PRNewswire BOSTON, Oct. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Improving assessment of patient risk at hospital admission guides patient care and facilitates epidemiologic analyses. New research conducted by Health Data Analytics Institute (HDAI), in collaboration with researchers at the Cleveland Clinic, is being presented as a featured abstract at the 2022 Annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists on October 22 in New […]
The Next Evolution

By Nidhee Krishnan Nidhee is a product manager with HDAI, who transitioned a year ago from bedside care to healthcare innovation. Prior to this career change, she was in her second year of medical school and was conducting clinical research in parallel. She took a few moments to briefly share with us how her experiences in […]
Industry Voices—ACOs, analytics and the great reopening

ACOs are reimagining their place in the healthcare ecosystem and are assuming a greater role in evaluating and attempting to improve the health outcomes of their members as a strategy to become top clinical and financial performers. (ipopba/GettyImages)
Compare your ACO’s outcomes

We provide tools to help you succeed in value-based care Knowing how to allocate scarce patient care resources means pinpointing which patients require which interventions in order to improve outcomes while managing costs. Watch our video about ACO to learn how to compare.
Health Data Analytics Institute Flash Interview

Value Based Care ExhibitHall Flash Interview with HDAI